Thursday, April 16, 2015


Before you can derive full benefits from something, that is, before you can squeeze every drop of benefit from it, you have to know if those benefits exist there in the first place. Can you get the benefit of truth from a pathological liar? Can you make wine out of a piece of solid rock? or can you press orange juice from diamond? Well, knowing the qualities or characteristics of a thing helps you know not to expend effort and energy trying to get from it what it does not possess.

Hello Everyone. Welcome to my Blog. This is where you and I will be exploring and enjoying practical issues guaranteed to change your life for the better.

Today, we are going to explore the Ten Benefits Of Faith.
First thing to consider are the characteristics of Faith. We find that
But before we start, I need to ask you this question... What Is Faith? Well, since my Authority on matters of faith is the Bible, I invite you to please follow me there. Hebrews 11.1 defines it as
  • The Assurance of things hoped for and
  • The evidence of things yet unseen.
I will explain this fully at a later date, so we can focus on the Title Topic, alright? Good. Now, having faith is am empowering experience because faith makes one Bold. It makes you believe you can face any thing, fear or challenge, and come out Victorious. That is why the First Benefit of Faith you will explore and enjoy is:
  1. Faith is Bold. It is the anti-dote to perpetual failure. Faith conquers timidity, and put fear in its place! When you have faith, success becomes easy to imagine. Faith emboldens. Men who have dared to achieve the Impossible harbored and exhibited a high level of faith. If you must succeed in life, you cannot be faithless. Whatever you want to achieve, first understand this.... IT CAN BE DONE!

It's okay if you are afraid, but if you trust the One Who birthed Faith in the first place, fear will not hinder you. Everyone fears something or the other. The difference between the Achiever and the Failure could just be what each did with the fear they felt.

The man who succeeds is committed to going on no matter the fear, while the coward lets fear paralyze him or her. Learn how to turn fear of any kind to your advantage. Nothing stands in the way of anything you can do or can be if you have the God-kind of faith. it made the entire Universe. Take a look at it. 

Andromeda Galaxy (Robert Gender/NASA)

    Oh my Wow! That is the Andromeda Galaxy. Isn't it awe-inspiring. Don't you just feel that incredible things really do happen?. Who was able to capture this wonder? Someone just like you. He believed that he could. Prepared for his opportunity because he was certain it would come. And this picture is proof that, prepared for his opportunity, he grabbed it with eager hands.

    He did not want anyone else to take his spot. Don't let someone else take yours. Prepare, be ready for your opportunity. Luck is a myth. Nobody succeeds and stays successful by luck. If you doubt it sleep your life away, and see how far Lady Luck can get you. Sorry to burst your bubble but I've seen that most people who get what they are not prepared for do these Five (5) things:
    • Misuse them
    • Abuse them
    • Under-rate them
    • Destroy themselves
    • Destroy others
    So prepare for your defining-moment breakthrough, so you will not only be blessed, but employ your blessing as a means of blessing others. Being blessed is beautiful, but I have discovered that a lot of people love being a blessing more. There definitely is hope for the human race!

    Now, Andromeda and our own milky way share three similarities...
    • One is... they are both spiral galaxies.
    • Second... They are dazzling in beauty
    • Third, and more importantly is... They are both works of faith.

    Do You Know that Andromeda galaxy is said to be the farthest thing you can see from earth when not using a telescope for viewing?
    A Tip to get the juices of faith to create or achieve incredible possibilities:

    Don't just look up into the starry Night sky, Find a colored picture of the Universe, like the one on this page. Blow it up and keep it in a place or places you can easily access them. Gaze at them whenever fear comes in and your faith could use a major boost. But if I were you, I would look at them every day. These images are hugely inspiring, uplifting and calming.

    These are the same things having the God-kind of faith does to you:
    • It inspires you to move from the realm of the natural (the finite, and visible) to the realm of the supernatural (the infinite and invisible) From the potent to the Omnipotent. I know that Andromeda was born out of things that were not seen. When Neil Armstrong thought of walking on the moon, I guarantee you that Apollo 11 was still in the womb of imagination.

    What has the womb of your mind conceived? Imagine the possibility. Live the reality in your imagination first. The picture you see? Pen it on paper. Keep fine-tuning it as you research and explore ways to bring it into being. Wise people know they need help, so they Ask for it. Wise people Pray.

    They continue to ask for what they need until they get it.. Faith grows in the place of prayer. In prayer you are acknowledging the existence of One Who, though far beyond your equal, condescends to empathize with you in your struggles, distresses, fears and challenges.

    You are actively inviting Him to intervene and intercede on your behalf, and He will. Trust in that, and you will make Him very happy. Faith knows He will answer someway, somehow, and sometime.  That is why I said that Faith is Bold, and so Emboldens. When you accept His invitation to enter His presence, you are walking in faith. Now don't forget His requirement. You have to enter His presence with Thanksgiving... you can start by thanking Him for being alive. ; and His courts with Praise... you can praise Him for Who He is. He deserves it. Take a look at a piece of His handiwork of faith.


    Now take a look and this:

    O my! What a riveting sight! Anything is Possible, Isn't it? Makes perfect sense to pray to the One Who made these. Looks to me like He is capable of helping you succeed in making Possible the Impossible. Concentrate on that image for just 60 seconds. It fires up your faith, and calms your spirit, and fills you with thanks for the Creator of such a wonder! Do you get these feelings too?

    Have you ever traveled by air? If you have ever flown in an airplane, you would be confronted with the great possibilities domiciled in the imagination of man. You're flying in one of them. The Good News is... Everybody Has This! Some just don't know they do. While others are baffled as how to unleash this God-given Potent Creative Ability.

    Remember, it is really not because we deserve it. Rather, it is because a kind and generous God chose to give it to each and every one of us. It is time to enjoy the First of the Ten Benefits of Faith, and force that hitherto unwilling Champion Achiever out! You may not ever walk on the moon (I, for one, neither need nor want to, do you?), but there is space enough for you on this earth to succeed, and Enjoy that success. Believe It. Be Bold, and go make a Great thing out of your life!

    Don't forget: The Ten Benefits of Faith continues on Monday, the 16th of this month April. Thanks for spending time with me. I trust it has been time well spent. I hope to see you back here on April, the 16th. That's Monday. We will be exploring the second Benefit, which is...
    Faith Strengthens because Faith is Strong. Yes! Faith makes you Strong.


    If you are not directed to in the next couple of minutes, Please Copy and Paste the above link into your browser to get one of my favorite books. It is sure to stir your faith to new heights.

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